Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Sickness Again

The weather has been turning cold this past month and right on its heels has come sickness.  Right now, everyone in the Langdon household has some sort of cold except for me (Lisa) and six out of our 8 babies also have colds.   In addition to the colds, Bridget and Sarah now have malaria and so does Mphatso. 

At the beginning of our stay here every time someone was sick our staff told us, “malaria.”  We just laughed and ignored it.  We ignored it until one of our kids actually did come down with it.  Now that 4 out of our 6 children have gotten malaria, we treat it much more seriously.  We have yet to see someone get malaria without first having some other sickness.  To our uneducated minds, it appears that when your immune system is taxed then malaria takes a hold. 

I can’t say that I have gotten use to my children getting malaria as it is a deadly disease; it is quite sobering and difficult to deal with emotionally.  We can only trust Him who is able to keep us from falling and who will “never leave us nor forsake us.”            Lisa


Blogger KT said...

I just came upon your blog and have been reading many of your posts. I will read more later.
I pray that your child feels better soon.
I look forward to seeing how God uses you each day.
In Him,
Katie Jo

5:48 AM  

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