There is a big empty place in the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery today.
At nap time, walking past her room, I automatically peek into her crib. But it is empty, of course. Still, I keep expecting to see her toddle down the hallway to visit my office with her smile and a hug. She was the ring leader of the toddler gang who helps keep things lively around here. And she was so proud of her new shoes. Shoes made for walking. Shoes she wore when she walked out of the Nursery and into the truck which took her back to her home village.
Eunice had been a special presence at the Nursery over the last 16 months. Her mother died a few weeks after childbirth. Her father, barely capable of caring for himself, essentially dumped the care of Eunice’s 2 sisters and 2 brothers in the lap of local relatives. But Eunice was too tiny, her need for care too great.
Responding to a call from Malawi Social Welfare, our staff sprung into action. Driving some two hours north we arrived at her village, wrapped her in a warm blanket, and brought her back to her new home at the Nursery. Even then she had a special spark. She was a contented baby and her crier rarely went off.
Eunice could fall asleep anywhere, any time. In fact her five minutes of fame came when she was featured on YouTube as the amazing vertical sleeping baby. Like a Weeble, sitting upright on the floor, Eunice wobbles but does not fall down. week she went to town to do some banking with me and Augustine (our A.A.). While we struggled to stuff her under the straps of the car seat she never registered a sound of complaint. She was so quiet on the way to town I assumed she had fallen asleep. Instead, she was taking in all the sights. At the bank she walked around showing off her new shoes to everyone.
Last Friday we sang, prayed, and waved goodbye to Eunice. Augustine & Veronica drove the 2 hours back to the village and handed her off. Her father is still barely competent to care for himself, let alone Eunice. But, thank goodness, her aunt and uncle have opened their home, their arms, and their hearts to welcome her into their family along with their own 4 children.
Any one of our babies can win your heart. Nevertheless, Eunice is special. She has left an empty place here at the Nursery.
However, tomorrow Augustine I travel to a distant village to rescued another precious bundle of love—6 week old Joshua.