It's the Advent season and time for the annual Christmas Party! But what kind of party does one have in a very poor country? How does one celebrate?
The first thing the staff wants for Christmas is a cash bonus. This is not optional – it is expected. We talked of giving the bonus early this year because last year we were robbed on Christmas night. The thieves obviously knew that we would have some money on hand here at the nursery. So now, being the quick learners that we are, we keep no money on the premises.
Nsima |
We suggested that the bonuses be handed out at our monthly staff meeting, three weeks before Christmas. However, the other members of the management team nixed this idea. They assured us that the money would be spent long before Christmas arrived , thereby leaving staff members with nothing to fund their family Christmas Day feast. That would be disastrous. So we will give bonuses out later in the month but the date will be a surprise.
The main topic of discussion for the party itself was “What to eat”. I took a small (but to my mind statistically significant) poll asking several Malawians what special foods they eat at Christmas. Most shrugged and said “We just have a big meal”. “Big” meaning not different food but a lot of the same food. Quantity matters. Even our management team stressed the importance of “A LOT of food”. We're talking more than you can imagine any one person could eat. A gigantic, colossal, “trentrocious” amount!
Back to the topic of “What to Eat”. A goat was ruled out as too expensive. Ham? No way! We haven't seen a ham in three years. Chicken won the day. But at the Nursery, even chicken is special and not on our usual menu. Rice and nsima, served with fried rape, tomatoes and onions, will also be served. These will certainly be nothing special except they will be prepared in enormous quantities.
So the staff will stuff themselves on the same stuff. Add Coke & Fanta and store bought cookies. And there you have it!!!
Of course, more than the food we will be feasting on, is the fellowship—celebrating the Good News of God with us.
Let the party begin !
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