Saturday, April 30, 2011
Shortly after we returned to the states his father allowed for him to be fostered by a German couple that lived in Malawi. We all hoped that someday he would be adopted by them as his family could not care for him.
I had been unable to find out what had really happened as the nursery lost contact with the family. Last month after we decided to return to Malawi, I emailed his foster family. They happily informed me that he was adopted in 2009 and was now a lively 5 yr. old boy who spoke perfect English and pretty good German. It brought tears to our eyes to think that he was a happy, healthy and very much loved little boy.
Here is a picture that his father sent to us:
Friday, April 29, 2011
Hello Again
Now that the Heller's are no longer running the nursery and the current staff doesn't have easy access to the internet I (Lisa Langdon) would like to continue updating the blog for the nursery.
Our family started the nursery and this blog in 2006 and we want those who have visited this blog to continue to pray and if so led, financially support the nursery.
Our family is returning to Malawi in June for 8 weeks so we will try keep everyone updated on how things are going when we get there.
I will also post some updates about Bridget and Mphatso who were our first two babies and our now in their forever homes. As we are preparing to return to Malawi, I will also post some of the process that we are going through in returning. We are hoping to have our own family blog but at this time life is too crazy and I don't have time.