Sunday, September 24, 2006

Laundry at the Nursery

I thought everyone would like to see how much laundry we do in a day. We now have 5 babies and we do go through the nappies and clothes! The laundry on the line isn’t even from a 24 hour period but about 16 hours. Thankfully my nannies wash out the nappies (diapers for you Americans) and I do have a washing machine. We hang them on the line in good weather but dry them for 15 to 30 minutes to ensure that phutsie fly eggs don’t survive. FYI--Phutsie flies lay eggs on damp clothes and then they hatch and burrow into you skin when the clothing is worn. When they mature they come out of you skin as adults. Thankfully the heat from the dryer or an iron will kill the eggs. Pretty disgusting, but that’s life here in Malawi J

P.S. This was only the first of 2 loads of laundry that day


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