Life at the Nursury

Here are the boys getting a suntan on the patio. L to R – Blessings, Mphatso, Loti, Jacob and Samson

This is babysitting

Bridget and Mphatso clowning for the camera
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 19:14
This week has been quite a busy week for us here in Mzuzu. Besides the usual day to day caring for our own family and the babies, home schooling, training nannies and fixing all the things that don’t work we have had visitors from the
Tonight (Sunday) we had a group of 4 stop by—a couple that were missionaries here in
If anyone else wants to know more about our ministry first hand we would love to welcome you to
It has been a very eventful week in the area of supplying needs. A while back we made it known that because we had grown rather quickly, we had a need for more supplies for the children (blankets, clothes, diapers, etc.). This week the Lord met that need through many of you. We received 3 trunks of items collected by family and friends that were brought from the U.S. by missionaries coming to Malawi, one box sent by friends near White Salmon, and three parcels from friends in Nova Scotia. Many of the items were quite timely and all were greatly appreciated, both by us and the little children. THANKS VERY MUCH and may the Lord bless each one of you who played a part in supplying the needs of the orphans!
Just when I think things are coming together with my nannies I have ones that don’t show for work. Last Saturday, before I had arranged the schedule to have 2 night caregivers, my night nanny sent friends to tell us that her brother died and she wouldn’t be to work for 3 days because of the funeral. Why 3 days you all say. Well here in
So on Saturday, all my children pitched in and we took shifts during the night. I was very pleased at how they all wanted to help, even Matthew and Andrew my two youngest boys. I took the shift from 8 until 1 am; Sarah and Matthew were with me for most of that time (even though Sarah slept through it all); Kris stayed from 1 to 3 am; Jared stayed from 3 to 5 am. When I got up at 5 to check on them Matthew and Andrew were also in there helping out. I was so proud of them all.
Back to the nannies—thankfully the next day I was able to get a hold of another nanny (you can’t call most of them because they don’t have phones) and she showed up and worked for my missing nanny. Eventually the nanny that was at the funeral came back on shift after 3 nights of being gone. Two days later a different nanny was sick but was diligent enough to contact one of my nannies to work for her. Then today, the sick nanny didn’t show up and didn’t contact anyone about working for her. My dayshift ladies were very concerned and one volunteered to stay the night even though she had just worked 12 hours and she has an 11 yr. old daughter at home. I asked who would care for her daughter and she said that there were other people that live at her home. “But won’t they be concerned when you don’t show?” I asked. She didn’t seem to think so. This is definitely a different culture.
I hope I haven’t rambled too much but I definitely am being stretched in patience. I would love to just do it all myself but that limits how many children we can reach and I know that God is using this to refine ME.
Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. James 1:3-4
I guess it all depends on your definition of full—right? We picked up baby #7 today from the hospital. She is a precious little girl named Leah and she is 2 weeks old. Her mother died at childbirth and left behind 4 other children. Her aunt has been caring for her but she has 5 of her own and now she has to care for her dead sister’s 4 children too. Life is definitely not easy here; so much death, poverty and hopelessness.
We agreed to take her because I am working my nannies extra days and have 2 more nannies that will I will train this week and start next week. My nannies are very happy to work the extra days because we pay them time and ½. They will make 500 kwacha a day compared to 300 kwacha. FYI, 500 kwacha is equal to $3.50. It doesn’t sound like much but most of my nannies who worked as nannies elsewhere only made 3000k a month and we are paying 5000k a month. They think they have struck it rich by working here.
Back to the baby…everyone, my children and my nannies were thrilled that we got another girl. We were starting to think that we were a boy’s orphanage as we had 5 boys and 1 girl. She looks a lot like Bridget but just smaller. She weighs 3 kg (6.6 lbs.) and is adorable. I will try and post a picture tomorrow.
Now I can put all the pink baby clothes on her instead of the boys. Here in
Well, our work here in
So I guess the bottom line is, if any of you back home want to adopt a Malawian orphan, all you need is a few million to contribute to the “orphan problem” and you’re home free.
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7
Well, our work here in
So I guess the bottom line is, if any of you back home want to adopt a Malawian orphan, all you need is a few million to contribute to the “orphan problem” and you’re home free.
The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Proverbs 22:7
I know we said that our nursery was full and couldn’t take anymore babies but…we now have baby number 6 and this time we mean it—WE ARE FULL!!
Yesterday, little Loti came to join us. He is 2 months old and his mother died when he was a month old. He has been cared for by his aunt since then. We were told about him 3 weeks ago but since his family lives in another town nothing was done. Yesterday the social officer from that area brought the father, aunt and baby to Mzuzu so we could take him. At the social welfare office I noticed that he had a charm around his neck so when we got home we prayed over him and cut it off. He also had marks on his stomach that looked like a rope burn but my nannies said it was black medicine and that they (the African doctor) had cut him with a razor to cure the sickness in his stomach. It just broke our heart but made us so thankful that we had taken him.
Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins: Colossians 1:12-14
We now have 2 nannies on shift during the day but we need to hire 2 more nannies to cover the night shift and until we do we honestly can’t take another baby. My night nanny is great but 5 babies are more than enough! Please pray that we can find 2 more nannies that speak English. All my nannies can read and write English but a few don’t speak it too well. I need at least one nanny a shift that speaks English well so somebody can understand me.
Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think…Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus