Robbed again
Instead of an update on our hectic week I will just tell you about the ending--we were robbed again on Saturday night. This one was much worse as they had a shotgun and fired into our ceiling, tied Andy, Jared and me up and threatened to kill us. All the kids were in our room so they saw all that happened. But once again God was ever present and none of us were hurt and for that we are very thankful. We do have an alarm button which I pushed when we realized what had happened and the response team did scare them off. The robbers knew what they were doing and seemed to know our house and goings on. They tied up our watchmen, took the door knobs off our servants quarters so our house help couldn’t get out to help. They had a tool box and were able to break the lock on our burglar bars, then smashed the door in with a huge rock. Once in the house the fired the shotgun into our ceiling for a scare tactic I assume. They demanded money, cell phones and laptops. We did have 2 cell phones but very little money, and after being robbed of our laptop last year we bought a desktop computer. Right now we are staying at friends’ house as they left yesterday for a 3 months stay in the states. We are staying here indefinitely and praying for guidance on our future.
As you can imagine all our staff is very upset but thankfully the supervisor I hired is doing a wonderful job. Right now we have 13 babies (we received 2 sets of twins last week) and are using our guest house as another room. We have been working non-stop this past week trying to get everything in order and the robbery was the way our week ended. I have another baby in the hospital that I’m not sure will make it, I don’t have enough nannies to cover so am working everyone a lot. We are definitely under a huge amount of pressure but we know that God will be glorified through it all.
Please pray for:
Continued safety for our family
Peace of mind for our children
Wisdom for our future
Comfort for our staff
Wisdom and strength for Veronica our new supervisor
Bridgette’s adoption will be rushed so we can bring her home
p.s. last night I admitted 2 more babies to the hospital and this morning our sweet little Yamikani went to be with Jesus
“My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.”
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