Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Getting Personal

Imagine this as a HELP WANTED ad. “The Mobile Medical Team (sponsored by Ministry of Hope) is seeking fully qualified physicians to work 8 health clinics in the Malawi bush. Responsible for own plane fare, food, lodging, and transport. Must purchase a Malawi medical license (at great expense), donate 2 footlockers of medicine, and help underwrite the cost of clinics where you will be expected to work from dawn to dusk treating as many patients as possible.”

This is the third year that Ministry of Hope Mobile Medical Clinic, under the leadership of Dr. Ken Root, has made a major impact in communities surrounding Lilongwe. This is the second year that the team has made the journey north to Mzuzu and included the Mzuzu Crisis Nursery in its mission.

So why is this year different from all other years? Because it got personal. The two physicians who came to examine the babies and staff at the Mzuzu Nursery have been our friends for over 30 years. After two weeks of seeing hundreds of patients with the rest of the Medical Team, Dr. Paul & Dr. Carolyn Frymoyer stayed on in Mzuzu and brightened our lives for another 10 days. After treating our 17 babies and 26 staff, we had time to walk and talk and laugh and relax together. For us, it was the best medicine of all.


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