"Please sign your name if you are planning to go to our all day party, including a free lunch of fresh chombo and chips". This was the invitation announced at out all staff meeting last November. Out of 22 people (including us), we ended up with 22 names on our sign up sheet for the November 14 Play Day.
It was a day to remember. Imagine, the fifth largest fresh water lake in the world on your doorstep but never having gone for a swim or (like a few of our staff) never even having seen it. After a 2 hour ride on a chartered bus we arrived at an exquisite sandy beach on the shores of Lake Malawi. It didn't take long before folks were frolicking in the water like a family of otters. Before the end of the day, even the most timid joined in the water games. At 100 kwacha per person (70 cents), an enterprising young entrepreneur with a leaky rowboat offered an added adventure. Paddling with 6 people at a time, he ventured a few dozen yards out into the gentle surf and back. It took a lot of courage for those who were basically terrified of the lake, but everyone ended up going!

Playing all day in the hot Malawi sun made it perfectly clear why our Creator covered Malawians with such beautiful deep black skin. Paul spent most of the day hiding in the shade and Darlene got a sunburn to remember even with SPF 50 sunscreen. At the end of the day, a good time was had by all.
Every Thursday morning the staff gathers at 7:30 to pray together. But we realize that it is also vital for us to play together. The staff that prays together and plays together works well together for the benefit of the babies.
Let us play!
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