Help is Here

When they arrived in Mzuzu there was no power. Yesterday there was thunder and lightning so we had to shut the computer down. Today the same. We have gone to a place with a satellite connection to try and download necessary software and anti virus since doing so at the nursery would have taken 9 hours -and that's just for the antivirus software. Progress is painfully slow, as is all progress in Malawi. But we are getting there. Hoo Ray!!
At the nursery two babies have malaria. We are one over census as we had to take in a 2-year old who was abandoned in the mud behind the police station.We will keep him a week or two until social welfare decides what to do with him. One of the twins we admitted 4 days ago went directly from the village to the hospital because he was having breathing problems. His brother is one of the ones here with malaria. And so it goes. But this is how life is here, and we take one day at a time.
Hopefully we will be able to post blogs more frequently and do all the necessary printing and copying we need to do at the nursery. Things go so much more smoothly when we don't have to hand write every single thing we do. We're getting there. More updates soon to come, we hope.
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